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tv   11 News at Noon  NBC  September 27, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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>> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news at noon in hd. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> good afternoon. i am sarah caldwell. what weather caused lots of problems for the morning rush and continues this noon. let's check in with tony pann. >> rainy days and mondays, right?
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it will continue off and on to the afternoon. a little bit of minor flooding. standing water on the roadways and close to an inch of rain in some spots. you will get more this afternoon and into tonight as well. heaviest rain is out in the western suburbs. moving through parts of montgomery, howard, and carroll county. if you are watching in the western suburbs, you guys are going to see heavier stuff. our route baltimore, probably just passing showers. -- around baltimore, probably just passing showers. off and on rainshowers and maybe a thunderstorm. this afternoon, a wide range, from 70 in the northern suburbs to the upper seventies down south. we will check the seven-day forecast. back to sarah. >> how can schools at the local, state, and national levels
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improve learning in the classroom? a summit to talk today at rockefeller plaza and offers an interactive forum for students and teachers and parents. >> at a town hall kicking off "education nation" -- >> welcome to our teacher's town hall. teachers >> are offered ideas for how to improve the classroom. >> all students can learn as long as teachers are committed and passed it and held accountable. >> many search for ways to improve the nation's education system. >> there should not be a lottery for a good education. >> from the controversy about charter schools to teachers blame for the problem -- >> we are being made the scapegoats for much larger deals in society. >> one thing everyone agrees on is that children deserve better in schools.
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77% of americans to public schools a grade of c or lower. >> we have to educate our way to a better economy. >> i do documentary aims to underscore -- a new document it and to underscore the struggles facing families. it shows how five students and parents from harlem to silicon valley navigate through a lottery system to get out of failing neighborhood schools and into public charter schools. look up the draw for many, -- look of the draw for many, whether on the big screen art class and, shaping the way they learn and dream. the summit has turned into an interactive learning center that includes of place where it students and teachers to learn about diet and nutrition and exercise. >> be sure to tune in to 11
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news throughout the day. tim tooten is and the big apple for education nation. he will have live reports from rockefeller plaza at 5:00 and 6:00. a judge has sentenced as often as white supremacist to 31 years in prison for brutally beating an african-american fishermen. calvin lockner has pleaded guilty to the 2009 attack on 77- year-old james privott he made a victims impact statement prior to this morning's sentencing. a patient at howard county psychiatric hospital is under arrest this morning, or this afternoon, accused of murdering another patient. the patient's body was found sunday morning at a psychiatric hospital in jessup. the victim, identified as susan sachs, appeared to have been a struggle. she was treated at a hospital after being found not responsible for the murder of a
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psychiatric social worker. a 27-year-old woman is at shock trauma this afternoon after being shot during an apparent domestic dispute with the unidentified glen burnie woman was shot just before 4: sunday afternoon -- for : sunday afternoon at roesler avenue she's never once considered non- life-threatening. -- she suffered wounds considered non-life-threatening. politics is playing into the prosecution of a high-profile murder case in the eastern shore. wicomico county state's attorney lost last week's democratic primary, but the family of a child found dead over christmas allegedly at the hands of a convicted sex offender 1 cent to finish the case he started the family says he is intimately familiar with the case and are confident that he is the person to prosecute.
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his democratic rival says he is not rule out a possibility. a maryland national guardsman is filing anonymously, serving in iraq, and charges the state board of election has not given absentee voters enough time to obtain and returned ballots for the upcoming november election. they say ballots for the fed raises have arrived at a time, but ballots for the state races will be too late. if you aren't feeling the itch to gamble, at this hollywood casino at -- if you are feeling the itch to gamble, a hollywood casino in perryville will open earlier than planned. a trial run went well saturday night. it is the first casino since the state banned slot machine gambling in the 1960's. >> i am excited, and so are the staff here as well.
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just smiling from ear to ear yesterday. has 1500 slot r machines but no table games. we're told 80% of that new employees are from cecil county and harford county. last week, ravens quarterback joe flacco had quite possibly the worst game of his career. he seems to have shaken up off with the help of a new weapon. he went to order 62 yards and three touchdowns against the cleveland browns. next week to take on the undefeated pittsburgh steelers. great game. still ahead, the new high-tech way computer hackers are getting into your passports, and details on how you can protect yourself. >> but i got five wrong and i
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have not lost one yet. >> the pastor defend themselves against allegations he lured boys into sexual relationships.
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>> very scary stuff. passengers aboard a delta airlines flight experience a little more than turbulence on the way to the big apple. the flight attendant is urging passengers to stay down on this amateur video shot by someone on the flight. a part of the landing gear was stock, forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing at jfk in new york. one of the wings dragged along the tarmac. no one was hurt, thankfully. authorities trying to figure out why the landing gear failed. the pastor in the middle of a firestorm over allegations he lured young men into sexual relationships spoke out for the first time yesterday to it the faithful at the mega church in georgia welcomed him back to the public with open arms. he denied the allegations and told confidence that he needs them in his corner.
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>> i am not the man that is being portrayed -- [applause] on the television. that is not me. that is not me. i'm not a perfect man, but this thing i'm going to fight. >> four for male members of the church in georgia and north carolina alleged that he gave each gifts and special fibers but for coaxing them into a sexual relations while they were still teenagers but above the legal age of consent. i new study shows that day care may be dangerous for some kids. first, in "consumer alert," another airline merger. >> we have heavy rains and maybe a strong thunderstorms. we will check that and look at the seven-day rainshowers in baltimore city.
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74 degrees downtown. tax on everything you buy?
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that's in andy harris' unfair tax plan. 23% sales tax. a 23% sales tax will cut my business in half. would be devastating. andy harris' 23% sales tax absolutely makes no sense. 23% sales tax would really make things unaffordable. that's too high for the average american out here. i don't know how we would manage it really. don't like that idea. we can't afford andy harris' idea. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message.
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>> in the "consumer alert," southwest airlines has entered into an agreement to buy airtran. it was announced early this morning. the agreement has been unanimously approved by the board of directors, but needs the approval of airtran stockholders. if it goes through, the company will have nearly 43,000 employees and have more than 100 different airports in the u.s. and international destinations. experts tell us that passwords are all but worthless. >> before we shop, before we serve, before we checked
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stocks, which type in the computer password -- >> birthdays, addresses, a special dates. >> for every caller, a pet's name, a couple of numbers. -- a favorite color, a pet's name, a couple of numbers. >> i name of a dog or a place. >> my husband uses sometimes his initials, and be our child's name. >> but this man knows better. he says that regardless of your password, hackers can break into your machine one keystroke at time. he said over and e-mail posing as a screen saver. it is actually at hack. if i open it, he can follow my every online move, letter
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for letter, credit card number by number. it is the newest way hackers are getting inside your computer, finding and tracking everything about you. >> you get at drive-by installed on your mcshane --. drive-by install on your machine. >> which is outdated is still in your credit history can be ruined. -- which is how data can be stolen and your credit history can be ruined. security experts say that it is common sense that we will protect you. update your virus-fighting software and avoid e-mail or facebook posts that look unfamiliar. >> most of these -- almost all of them will be detected. >> it is good to be clever, but better to be careful.
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>> from wbal tv 11, this is an insta-weather-plus alert. >> a tornado warning has been issued over the last couple of minutes. they are starting to show rotation, and a tornado warning is in effect for howard county. he should be heading out to the basement immediately. this is the stuff we're talking about. it looks like it's going to stay west of columbia. some of the cities that may be impacted -- fulton, clarksville, west friendship. any of those cities, or the towns you see on the radar, you should be heading down to the basement immediately if you can. a tornado warning is in effect for howard county until 12:45. a lot of activity on the east coast.
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this the focal point for the showers and thunderstorms. it looks like the western suburbs as the focus, at least for right now. this is moving quickly off to the northeast at about 25 or 30 miles per hour. if you look at the line i just drove right there, it will go into the western part of baltimore county, perhaps was randallstown or even rolling mills over the next 15 or 20 -- or even a owings mills over the next 15 or 20 minutes. by now it is in howard county, but it is moving in that direction there. we will watch this as it comes out of howard county and into the western part of baltimore county. fulton, clarksville, dayton, west friendship, howard county, headed down to the basement in the league. i would say at about half an hour, this will be in the western part of baltimore county. randallstown, all its mills, reisterstown, you guys should
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pay close attention -- randallstown, owings mills, reisterstown, you guys should pay close attention. it is moving quickly. maybe 25 or 30 miles per hour. the western parts of baltimore county, you guys are next in line. let's look at the forecast as we go to the rest of the afternoon and tonight. showers and thunderstorms are likely. temperatures will top out in the mid-70's this afternoon. a quick look at the seven-day forecast -- it looks like showers and thunder storms will be developing again. tomorrow, a cold front moves to the coast. after that, we should wind up with quiet weather on wednesday and most of thursday. as we headed to next weekend, temperatures will drop into the 60s on saturday and sunday. once again, tornado warning in effect until 12:45. >> thank you, tony.
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in today's medical alert, new research to find that day care may be dangerous for some kids. those on the day care or more than four times as likely to wind up in the emergency room with respiratory symptoms. there are twice as likely as help the kids to reacted to antibiotics. a middle school in connecticut has come up with a high-tech way to find -- to make fitness fun. more on how video games are hoping -- are helping. >> middle school was filling up a team room is nothing new. unless they are doing it in physical education class. >> every time i come in, it is like what do i do? >> from dance dance revolution
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-- >> you can do it by yourself. >> to a virtual duel with a martial arts legend, this center gets students turned on to fitness. >> there is nothing like taking kids interest in video games and giving them an opportunity to make them physically fit, doing activities 8 naturally in july. -- doing activities they naturally enjoy it. >> it gets your heart rate pumping. >> runners can take the trouble for of places that only about in books. -- can take a treadmill tour of places they only read about in books. >> some of the machines and the gymnasium are meant to be interdisciplinary. they are for fitness and work on
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academic skills. >> those help train the brain to be responsive and to learn how to learn. >> the technology was it possible for any hundred thousand dollars grant, and this -- was made possible for and $800,000 grant and is designed to track progress. >> it tells you your body mass at i think it is pretty awesome. >> from wbal tv 11, this is an insta-weather-plus alert. >> we still have a tornado warning in effect for howard county until 12:45 this afternoon. let's look at hd doppler. the store we talk about a few moments ago has moved towards interstate 70. that is what you see there. if you're watching in this area, this storm is showing signs of
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rotation. i have not seen any reports of actual tornadoes reaching the ground. this is the kind of situation that hardly ever happens. you may see a funnel cloud out of it. if you see one hit the ground, it would most likely will be a weak one. don't take the time to open the windows or close the windows. just headed to an interior room away from the windows if you don't have a basement. obviously, if you have a basement, head down there. if you are watching from an office building, move away from the windows if you can. clarksville, dayton, west friendship, the storm already passed you guys. i believe is going to get into the western part of baltimore county in the next 15 to 20 minutes. in randallstown, you guys could watch out for this storm. same thing in reisterstown, 15 minutes from now.
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as it stands at the present time, the storm will miss columbia and delicate city to the west and move probably into the western parts of baltimore county shortly after the. -- shortly after that. these types of storms, if they do produce a tornado, usually a pretty weak. we don't expect a lot of damage out of this. but that does not mean you should not take proper precautions. in the northern part of howard county, the eastport of carroll county, or the western part of baltimore county, this storm is headed in your direction. there are other storms out there as well, but this is the one we have marked right there. there are other storms in the western part of tunnel county. some other storms in montgomery county that would be heading in the same direction. there are three cells that are producing heavy rain. we have a video from sky team 11
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moving westbound there. this kind of looks like the wall clock in at the storm there. if a bit low cloud deck on the eastern fringe of the storm. i don't see any location in that. that is a very interesting shot. a very interesting perspective on there. i don't see any location or any final clouds popping out of the base of the storm. that does not mean it is not in there. still, that is a good thing that we cannot see it from this perspective, from sky team 11 looking back to the west. tornado warning for howard county until 12:45. baltimore, this is heading towards you guys, so you might as well be proactive. at this time, i don't see any confirmation of the storm or a
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tornado on the ground, but it does not mean it cannot be hidden in one of those grain shaft. three storms that are fairly strong here. this one in the western part of carroll county and frederick county, this is the one that could possibly be a tornado, and there is a very strong one coming out of the central part of montgomery county. what did you directional movement. this one is going like this, this one the same thing, not towards westminster. 8 -- north towards westminster. three cells will watching this afternoon, developing along the warm front. any time you get a warm front, with an environment like this, a lot of times the storms end or testing. -- end up a rotating. i will send it back to sarah
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right out a look for reports of damage or confirmation. >> as we saw moments ago, capt. roy is the showing us an interesting vantage point of this storm from afar. tell us more about what you are seeing. >> we are over the inner harbor looking towards the west now, and there are low-lying clouds. the area around b.w.i., working its way, it is sunny here. but then you hit the wall where the storm is. they are having to do some type of circumnavigation of the airplanes in the process of making the approach to b.w.i. anyone going to the airport, check your schedules if you are picking somebody up from a flight. there may be just as the old alike there has not been any ground stoppage at b.w.i., but
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the way the storm is about air- traffic control is directing aircraft to stay clear. with sky team 11, i am captain roy taylor. >> we want to go over tips to keep you safe in the event of a tornado just a precautionary step -- had for the lowest level of the building, interior rooms, stay away from windows, cover your head and wait for the storm to pass. crouched down in the low-lying area. tony has had seen any of these rotations touch the ground -- has not seen any of these rotations touch the ground. and tony is saying that a tornado warning is in howard county and is expected to expire at 12: 45. at 12: 45.


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